Holi 2024 Harmful effects of chemical Holi colors on your health prepare your first aid kit

Holi 2024 Harmful effects of chemical Holi colors on your health prepare your first aid kit

Medical stores also remain closed on Holi (Holi 2024). These days, chemical colors are being sold in large quantities in the market. Today we will tell you some special tricks to prevent any untoward incident from using these chemical colors. There is a fear of some accident happening on Holi.

Sometimes due to color, there is irritation in the eyes, allergy on the skin and sometimes due to drinking cannabis, there are complaints of vomiting, diarrhea and indigestion. Today we will tell you how you can make a first aid box to keep yourself safe. Be sure to include these essential medicines in your first aid box.

Keep these important medicines in the first aid box

First of all, keep pain relieving cream to avoid any allergy and pain. It is very important to have medicine, gel or spray. If you fall or get hurt while playing colors on Holi. So keep medicine for this also. In case of sprained legs, use a warm bandage. Therefore, include bandage also in the kit.

Some people are allergic to colors, in such cases keep anti-allergy cream in the first aid box. This will provide relief from rashes, itching and burning sensation on the skin.

If it is rose water then you must have some drops to put in the eyes. Itching starts when the eyes get colored. Due to which burning sensation and watering of eyes starts.

The box should contain antiseptic cream, lotion or ointment. It provides relief from fever, vomiting, medicine and stomach ache. To get rid of gas and indigestion, keep acidity medicine along with mint leaves.

It is very important to keep antiseptic cream in the box because this will protect you from swelling. Apart from this, keep aspirin or disprin in the medical kit.

Apart from all this, keep medicines for children in your first aid box. Many times children get hurt while playing Holi. In such a situation, it is important for you to have medicines for special children. Keep medicines like fever, cough and painkillers especially for children.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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