Holi 2024 Special Gulal Made by Dry Flower Technology in Bihar Agriculture University after BHU Floriculture Department Skin Friendly

Holi 2024 Special Gulal Made by Dry Flower Technology in Bihar Agriculture University after BHU Floriculture Department Skin Friendly

Special Gulal From Dry Flower Technology: Holi will come in a few days. Various types of colors and gulal are used on this occasion. Many times these colors prove to be very harmful for the skin. Gulal also causes all kinds of health problems to people. However, after the kind of gulal that the universities of Bihar and Banaras are making, this problem can be solved to a great extent. A special kind of gulal is being made here which will be prepared from dried flowers. This will not cause any harm to the skin.

This technology is being used

This special Gulal is being made with the help of dry flower technology. In this, flowers and leaves will be dried and gulal and color will be made from them. These will be safe for the skin. Not only this, women will also be given training to make it so that it becomes a means of employment for them.

where was the experiment done

In the lab of the Floral Department of Banaras Hindu University, colors and gulal are being made by drying flowers and leaves. Apart from this, Bihar Agriculture University is also making it special by using this technology. There is a plan to provide training to women here also. This gulal will be prepared in small quantities this Holi.

use of dried flowers

The flowers which are usually thrown away after use, develop fungi and start smelling. After a few days they are of no use. These flowers and leaves will be used to make this special gulal. They are dehydrated in the lab so that their moisture is removed. Its use will not cause any harm to the skin.

You will get positive energy!

This time Gulal is being prepared in less quantity, hence it will not be available in the market from this year. At present it will be made available to BHU employees and its price will be kept low. It will be sold expensively in the market and can be purchased from next year. Experts say that its use will provide positive energy.

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