How Alcohol Works In Body Know Here Alcohol Consumption Effects On Body

How Alcohol Works In Body Know Here Alcohol Consumption Effects On Body

Alcohol Intoxication: Those who drink alcohol must know that nothing happens for some time after drinking alcohol, but after a while, the voice of the person who drinks alcohol starts changing. It becomes difficult for him to walk for a while and gradually the person starts losing control over the body. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Why does alcohol start showing its effects after a while? What happens in the body after drinking alcohol that these changes are seen? Let us know that when alcohol enters your body, how it works and also we will know what is the effect of alcohol on the body….

How does alcohol affect?
As soon as you drink a sip of alcohol, it starts exerting its effect as soon as it enters the body. It is known to all that alcohol contains alcohol and as soon as it enters the stomach, it first produces gastric acid and causes inflammation in the mucus line of the stomach. After this the intestines start absorbing alcohol and after that it reaches the liver through the wing. The liver is very close, in such a situation, the possibility of it reaching the liver directly from the stomach is very high.

How does a person who drinks alcohol lose control
DW reports that the liver breaks down a lot of alcohol and reduces its effects on the body. For this the liver has to work very hard. But, the elements which the liver is not able to break, those elements reach the brain. Then within a few minutes its effect starts affecting your brain. Alcohol also affects the central nervous system by affecting it and breaks the connections of the nervous system, after which the cells start working very sluggishly. Then even the mind itself is not able to deal with this situation. Alcohol also affects the center part of the brain, due to which the person loses control over himself.

How long does alcohol stay in the body?
Now let’s talk about how long alcohol stays in the body. According to reports, the amount of alcohol remains in the body even for 72 hours after drinking alcohol. Apart from this, it depends on the quantity of alcohol, the quality of alcohol, the method of drinking alcohol, etc. that how long the alcohol will remain in your body. At the same time, the way you are getting the test done, its method also tells the different availability of alcohol.

Please tell that if alcohol is checked through blood test, then the amount of alcohol in the body will be visible only for about 6 hours. Apart from this, if you get the breath test done, then the amount of alcohol will be visible for 12 to 24 hours. Apart from this, the amount of alcohol is visible in the urine test for 72 hours. Apart from this, if we find out from the test of saliva, then the amount of alcohol remains in the body for 12 to 24 hours. In such a situation, different methods of test tell the availability of alcohol in the body.

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