How do astronauts cook food in the space station, is there a gas stove there?

How do astronauts cook food in the space station, is there a gas stove there?

The International Space Station is in the sky, very high above the earth. Astronauts from many countries live in this space station. These astronauts live in this space station for many months. They eat, sleep and do almost every work that a common man does while living on earth.

In such a situation, many people have this question in their mind that do astronauts get home-cooked food in the space station as well. If they do, is there any arrangement like a gas stove there as well? Let me tell you many things related to astronauts and their stay in the space station today.

Food in the space station

Everything is sent to the space station after measuring it. This is the reason why only 1.7 kg of food is sent every day for each astronaut. The most important thing is that this weight is not just of the food. Rather, 450 grams of the weight is only of the food container. The biggest thing is that if the astronauts open these containers, they have to finish the food present in them within 2 days.

How is food available there?

If you are thinking that there must be something like a gas stove in the space station, with the help of which the astronauts cook their food, then you are absolutely wrong. Actually, food for the astronauts is sent from the earth in special containers. However, the food that is packed for the astronauts on the earth is also not prepared like normal food. The food sent to space is cooked keeping in mind zero gravity.

Many arrangements are made to ensure that the food lasts for a long time. For example, thermo-stabilized containers are used to pack food. The food present in it remains fresh for many days. Before placing it in the container, the food is kept in a flexible foil laminated pouch which protects the food from radiation in space.

Now let us come to what kind of food is sent to the astronauts. Let us tell you, frozen, rehydratable and low-moisture food is sent to the astronauts. Whereas, the drinkable thing is sent in powder form, so that the astronauts can drink it easily by just mixing hot water in it.

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