How Do Deaf People Think Know How People Would Think Without Language

Man is different from all living beings because he is able to think. The ability to think only takes a person towards development. All of you must be thinking something or the other every day. You must have noticed that when you are thinking something, you are also speaking it in your own language. But what if a person cannot hear from birth, or cannot speak… One who has no sense of language can he also think. Now understand this in such a way that a person who cannot hear from birth, who has never heard any word… what language would he be using while thinking something. In what language would his fantasies take shape? Today we will understand the science behind this.

can such people think

Yes! Such people can also think and they think too. Science says that it is absolutely possible. Provided that it depends on what you are thinking. Just as you can feel anything, feel any emotion or touch someone without language, in the same way you can think without language. But it is a very different experience for both normal and disabled people.

How would the disabled think

According to a news published in Mental Floss, there are many artists and scientists in the world who do not use language to solve problems, they solve it through pictures. That is, these people do not need language but pictures to understand and think about anything. People who cannot hear also make a picture of anything in their mind while thinking about it in the same way.

their memory is faster than ours

People who cannot hear, their memory power is much faster than any common man. An example of this is a 15 year old child. As Mental Floss reports, when a 15-year-old who was hard of hearing learned sign language, he also shared in his own sign language the experiences he felt when he was only 8 or 9 years old. Was.

He said in his experience that at that age I used to feel that Chand would attack me and my parents are so strong that they would fight with Chand and save me. But the thing to be understood is that when the child thought all these things and put them into words, at that time he did not even know sign language. That is, he had no such means other than photographs by which he could create a story in his mind.

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