how does a nuclear bomb explode Know the answer Atomic bomb facts

how does a nuclear bomb explode Know the answer Atomic bomb facts

The whole world realized how dangerous the atomic bomb could be on August 6, 1945. Actually, this is the same date when America dropped atomic bombs on two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thousands of people died and lakhs of people were affected in this attack.

The effect of this bomb was so horrific that its impact was visible for many generations. Well, let us now tell you in this article how a nuclear bomb explodes. For this a remote works or a detonator.

First understand the basis of atomic bomb

If you have even the slightest interest in science, you would know that the basic principle of the atomic bomb is based on nuclear fission. In simple language, you can understand it like this that when Uranium-235 or Plutonium-239 is affected by a neutron, this nucleus breaks and gets divided into many smaller nuclei. In this process a lot of energy and extra neutrons are released, which are capable of splitting other nuclei as well. This entire process is a chain reaction. This is the reason why when a nuclear bomb explodes, its consequences become so deadly.

There are two types of explosions

There are two types of nuclear bombs. Fission bomb. Only nuclear fission is used in this bomb. Whereas, in the second i.e. hydrogen bomb, along with nuclear fusion, fission is also used. This is the reason why this bomb is much more powerful than the fission bomb.

Now understand how a bomb explodes.

The process of explosion of a nuclear bomb begins when it is activated. Here the role of detonator is important. A detonator is an electronic device that activates the explosive material inside the bomb. To activate the bomb, it is necessary to trigger the detonator in the right way at the right time, so that the explosion of the bomb can be effective and fatal. After this, when the detonator is activated, it starts blasting the explosive material.

Because of this, the initial explosion compresses the nuclear material and then due to the contraction, the heavy nuclei come closer to each other, due to which the number of neutrons increases. After this the neutrons start affecting other nuclei and then a chain of explosions is formed. In the end this causes a terrible explosion.

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