How Hing Is Made Know Whole Process

How Hing Is Made Know Whole Process

How Hing is Made: Asafoetida is such a spice in the Indian kitchen without which the taste of the food seems incomplete. Be it lentils, vegetables or sambar. The taste of asafoetida gets doubled if it is tempered. Its fragrance spreads in the whole house. Along with taste, it is also very good for digestion, but do you know that the asafetida which doubles the taste of your food, where does it come from? Now you must be thinking that like all spices, its Even if farming is done in India, then let us tell you that it is hardly found in India. It is imported from abroad.

How is asafoetida made?

The asafoetida used in vegetables and pulses comes out through a plant, yes, there is an asafetida plant, its plant comes under the category of fennel plant. It grows up to 1 meter tall, it has yellow flowers that look like mustard flowers, but asafoetida does not come out of this flower, but asafetida is made from the root of this plant, that is why many people call it the category of carrot radish plant. It is also kept in the kitchen, because it is prepared from the root. A sticky substance emerges from the plant, which is processed later. This sticky substance dries up and becomes like a stone, which is called Khari Hing. It is processed to make asafoetida. It is made by collecting the steam and sticky substance from the root of the Ferula plant. After this, this substance is frozen, so that it becomes hard like a stone. After this, it is crushed in a traditional way so that it can be sent further, after this the raw material is sent to the factory, which makes asafoetida. There are two types of asafoetida. Contains white kabuli and red asafetida. White asafoetida dissolves in water while red or black asafoetida dissolves in oil.

Where is asafoetida grown

Asafoetida is very expensive in India because it is not produced in India, it has to be exported from abroad. Apart from this, the process of making it is also very long. After planting this plant for 4 years, asafetida is obtained from its root. For this reason it is very expensive. Let us tell you that the asafoetida used in India comes from countries like Iran, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, some even get it from Kazakhstan, although according to a report, asafoetida cultivation has started in India too and this cultivation is in some hills of Himachal. being done in the areas.

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