How long can a person hold his breath, can he take his life by doing so?

How long can a person hold his breath, can he take his life by doing so?

Of course water is very important for humans, but breathing is even more important. If a person’s breathing is stopped for a long time, he may die. There is simple science behind breathing. The body needs oxygen, and to get oxygen we breathe. If we talk about every minute, a normal person inhales and exhales 12 to 20 times in a minute. If we are exercising or running, the rate of breathing increases. 

If we talk about a normal human being, he inhales and exhales about 22 thousand times a day, but have you ever wondered how long a human being can hold his breath? And can a person kill himself by holding his breath?  Let us know. 

Health can be judged by holding the breath

Experts say that how long a person can hold his breath can determine his health. Generally speaking, a person with a healthy body can hold his breath for 30 to 90 seconds without any problem. If you are holding your breath for 90 seconds, then you are completely healthy. However, by exercising regularly you can also increase your ability to hold your breath. A good athlete and a person working under water increases this ability with practice. 

Smokers have less stamina

If you smoke, consume alcohol regularly or adopt an unhealthy daily routine, your ability to hold your breath may reduce. That is, if you are not able to hold your breath for 30 to 90 seconds, then it means that you need to improve your lifestyle. This is often seen in those who smoke. Smoking causes damage to our lungs, due to which the ability to hold the breath also decreases. 

Can one take one’s life by holding one’s breath?

The answer is- no. Of course, a person can stop his breathing for some time, but it cannot happen that a person takes his own life by holding his breath. Experts say that by stopping breathing, the amount of oxygen in the body starts decreasing and the level of carbon dioxide increases. This is called hypoxia. When a person holds his breath longer than his capacity, his body forces him to breathe. By holding the breath for a long time, our cells start working differently from normal and due to this, the heart beat also becomes irregular and it can cause damage to kidneys and liver. In such a situation, a person may have a seizure, may become unconscious, and may even die.  

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