How many dreams can a person see at once know facts

How many dreams can a person see at once know facts

When we sleep at night and dream, we are not even aware of how many dreams we have seen in one night, In such a situation, do you know how many dreams a person can see in one night?, Let’s find out the answer,

How many dreams can a person see in one night?,

according to experts, On average, a human spends about one night 4 From 6 could dream, Let me tell you that these dreams are usually during sleep R.E.M. come into phase, which is the deepest and most active time of sleep, Although, Some people can dream even more, But most people can’t remember their dreams,

Why do we forget our dreams?,

According to Dr Avinash, a psychologist at CIP in Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand, Many times it happens that after waking up in the morning we do not remember our dreams, There are many scientific reasons behind this, that when we wake up, So our brain immediately moves towards awareness and reality, which makes the memory of dreams fade away,slowly becomes blurry, Apart from this, a special reason for not remembering dreams is that some parts of our brain, such as the hippocampus, that stores memories, are less active during sleep,

what do dreams tell,

Let us tell you that dreams are a part of our subconscious mind, And sometimes these are our feelings, They tell us about our tension or our day to day activities, But some dreams are so strange that it is difficult to understand them, According to experts, During dreaming, the nerves and neurons of our brain separate,activate in different patterns, which makes it strange,Poor visuals and experiences are produced. Although The exact cause of dreams and the process of forgetting them still remains a mystery to scientists,

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