How many kilograms of gold is extracted every year around the world, is there any data about it?

How many kilograms of gold is extracted every year around the world, is there any data about it?

Today, most people around the world consider gold to be the best for investing. Because gold is one of the most precious metals in the world at this time. But do you know how many kilograms of gold is extracted every year around the world. Today we will tell you how many kilograms of gold has been extracted around the world and how many kilograms of gold is left. 


People around the world consider gold to be the best for investing. Especially in India, you will find gold jewellery in every Indian family. Gold is also called a safe haven. According to a report, people in China have also considered investing in gold as the best option. This is called the Tina factor. Today we will tell you how much gold is left around the world and why the price of gold is increasing. 

Investment in gold 

Today, every person wants to invest in physical gold. Because people get immense benefits by investing in gold. According to scientists, gold came to earth due to the rain of meteorites on earth 200 million years ago. The process of extracting gold from the earth is called mining. According to information, till now miners have extracted a total of 2,01,296 tons of gold from the earth. It is said that if the gold mined on earth is collected at one place, then it will form a cube which will spread up to 22 meters on both sides. The height, length and width of the cube are all equal. According to the data, the value of the gold mined till now is about 12.5 trillion dollars.

How much gold is still buried?

According to the World Gold Council, since the beginning of gold mining in the world, about two lakh tons of gold has been extracted till now. But 53,000 tons of gold is still under the earth. This is called underground reserve. This reserve can also be more or less. Apart from this, Indian women have 21 thousand tonnes of gold. This quantity is the highest and even the top five banks of the world do not have this much gold reserve.

How much gold is produced every year

According to the information, every year India produces about 1.6 tonnes of gold compared to the consumption of 774 tonnes of gold. At the same time, 3 thousand tonnes of gold is extracted all over the world. India is the first name among the countries that consume the most gold jewellery. China comes second. Let us tell you that these two neighboring countries own 50 percent of the gold jewellery around the world. According to the 2019 data available on Investopedia, the people of India have 136.6 tonnes of gold jewellery, while the people of China own 132.1 tonnes of jewellery.

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