How many liters of oil does an airplane tank hold? Know the tank capacity

Today, most people prefer to travel by flight to save time. But most of the passengers traveling by flight do not have information about flight. Do you know how many liters of fuel is required to fill the tank of a flight. Today we will tell you how many liters the flight tank is filled with and what is its capacity. 

Flight fuel 

Many times while traveling by flight, you must have seen that fuel is filled in the flight before takeoff at the airport. But do you know how much fuel is filled in the flight? On the other hand, if for some reason the flight has to increase the flight time and distance, then what does the pilot do in case the fuel runs out. Let us tell you that the fuel tank of any flight depends on its size. For example, the fuel tank of Airbus A380 contains 323,591 liters, Boeing 747 contains 182,000 liters of fuel. On the other hand, the fuel tank capacity of small planes is 4000-5000 liters. Apart from this, the fuel tank capacity of medium sized planes is 26000 to 30000 liters.

Mileage of flight

In 1 liter of petrol, a bike covers a distance of about 30-40 kilometers and a car covers a distance of 10 to 25 kilometers. This depends on the mileage of the vehicle. But what is the mileage of a flight? According to the information, according to the company that makes Boeing 747, a flight needs about 12 liters of fuel to fly one kilometer. The speed of the plane is 900 km/hour (ground speed). In this flight, 568 people can sit and travel together at a time. According to many media reports, a flight consumes 2400 liters of fuel in an hour. Generally, a flight covers a distance of up to 900 km in an hour. According to this, 2.6 liters of fuel is consumed for one kilometer.

Now the question is what does the pilot do if the fuel runs out in the sky. Let us tell you that whenever the petrol of a plane flying in the air runs out, the pilot gets to know about it with the help of the indicator before that. After which the pilot sends this information to the control room. In this situation, the control room sends another fuel-filled flight into the sky from the nearest area. At the same time, when the plane filled with fuel reaches the first plane, both the planes fly parallel to each other at the same speed. At this time, a nozzle is removed from the plane with fuel. The nozzle has a sensor, with the help of which it searches for the fuel tank and fills it with fuel. Let us tell you that the fuel tank is in the wing of the flight. 

Also read: Why do plane tyres not burst? Have you ever wondered? Know the reason behind this

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