How many rulers ruled Delhi know history and facts

How many rulers ruled Delhi know history and facts

Delhi was once ruled by the great king Prithviraj Chauhan, then years 1191 AD and 1192 The battle of Tarain was fought in AD, Prithviraj Chauran defeated the Afghan ruler Mohammad Ghori in the first battle of Tarain, While in the second battle of Tarain, Mohammad Gauri defeated Prithviraj Chauhan, He was imprisoned and taken to Afghanistan, In this way the throne of Delhi had become vacant, Which Mohammad Gauri had handed over to one of his slaves Qutubuddin Aibak,

This was the first time that a foreigner ruled over the throne of Delhi, In such a situation, let us know in this story today how many foreign rulers ruled over the country’s capital Delhi.,

How many foreign rulers ruled the throne of Delhi,

Mohammad Ghori had no children., In this situation, Qutubuddin Aibak’s rule is established over the territories won by Mohammad Gauri in India and with this 1206 The Delhi Sultanate was established in India in 1538,

On the throne of Delhi Sultanate 5 dynasties ruled by, These five dynasties are slave dynasties, Khilji dynasty, Tughlaq Dynasty, The Sayyid dynasty and the Lodhi dynasty were,

Slave Linage (1206 – 1390 AD,

The first dynasty of Delhi Sultanate was the Slave Dynasty, Who 1206 Qutubuddin Aibak did this in 175 AD, He was a Turk ruler of the Ilbari tribe, who made Lahore his capital, Qutubuddin Aibak started the construction of Qutub Minar in Delhi in memory of a Sufi saint Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki, He also built Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque in Delhi by demolishing a temple,

Khilji Linage (1290 – 1320 AD,

The Khilji dynasty was founded by Jalaluddin Khilji after killing Kaimurs, the last ruler of the Slave dynasty, Alauddin Khilji was the most prominent ruler of this dynasty, There were many Mongol invasions during the time of Alauddin Khilji, which he successfully faced, Alauddin was also from Afghanistan,

Tughlaq Linage (1320 – 1414 AD,

The Tughlaq dynasty was founded by Ghiyauddin Tughlaq, He showed generosity towards the farmers and reduced the rates of land revenue increased by Alauddin Khilji, He was the first sultan to construct canals for irrigation during the Sultanate period, Sufi saint Nizamuddin Auliya had told Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq that Delhi is still far away,

Syed Linage (1414 – 1451 AD,

Sayyid dynasty was founded by Khizr Khan, He raiyat,A,held the title of Aala,

Lodi Linage (1451 – 1526 AD,

This dynasty was founded by Bahlol Lodi, Bahlol Lodi was an Afghan and the Lodi dynasty was the first Afghan band of the Delhi Sultanate, After this Sikandar Lodi became the ruler, Sikandar Lodi strengthened his intelligence system and used to write poems in Persian language under the name Gulrukhi., Sikandar Lodi himself measured the land ,Gaje Sikandari, The measurement of name was introduced,

After being defeated by Babur in the First Battle of Panipat, Ibrahim Lodi was killed and the Delhi Sultanate came to an end, after this 1526 The Mughal dynasty was established in 1528, which was around 200 lasted for years,

from the seventh century onwards 19until the 18th century 11 Dynasties ruled Delhi

1540 The kings of the Surya dynasty rose to prominence in 1530 and Sher Shah Suri ascended the throne of Delhi., after this 1556 In 1538 Akbar attacked Delhi and won the Second Battle of Panipat, Thereafter approximately 200 Delhi was ruled by the Mughals for many years,

Akbar after Babur, Jahangir, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb ruled Delhi, Then 1750 The Mughal Empire weakened after, after this 1857 The British sent Bahadur Shah Zafar II to Burma after the revolt of, Then the British Crown rule started in Delhi, Year 1911 In 1856 the capital was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi and since then Delhi is the capital of the country,

Also read: Not only India, these countries also got independence on 15 August, see the complete list

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