How many salary did Aurangzeb used to give soldiers? This figure is surprising

Aurangzeb’s reign (1658–1707) in the history of the Mughal Empire (1658–1707) is known for its military power and expansion. New research suggests that during this period the Mughal army was in its strongest time, which established its rule from all over North India to the south. Mounted, infantry, artillery and elephant squad. The cavalry was considered to be the most prestigious army, which included about 2 lakh soldiers. There were about 4 lakh soldiers in the infantry, who used to fight swords, spears and arrows. There were about 5,000 cannons in the artillery and 1,000 special trained elephants were also used for the war.

but do you know how much salaries Aurangzeb used to pay to such a large army? You will be surprised to know this!

According to the book by famous historian Satish Chandra, the salary of soldiers in the Mughal Empire was fixed under the ‘Mansabdari system’. This system was started by Akbar and by the time of Aurangzeb it was fully developed.

A simple pedestrian used to get about 5 to 10 rupees every month. Today, this amount may look small, but at that time it was considered a good amount, which could easily maintain a family. High officials (Mansabdars) used to earn hundreds of or thousands of rupees, which they used to pay salaries to the soldiers below. This used to maintain the loyalty and efficiency of the soldiers, due to which Aurangzeb’s army had become one of the most powerful armies of their time.

This salary system of Aurangzeb not only helped to create a strong army, but also influenced the social and economic structure of that time. In today’s time, when we talk about our army and salary system, we can learn a lot from this system of 350 years ago."YouTube video player" SRC ="" Width ="560" Height ="315" Frameborder ="0" Allowfullscreen ="allowfullscreen" Data-mce-Fragment ="1">

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