How many Shia and Sunni Muslims live around the world? Look at this figure

How many Shia and Sunni Muslims live around the world? Look at this figure

The population of people who follow Islam is increasing rapidly all over the world. According to statistics, at present there are about 1.9 billion people of the Muslim community all over the world, which will increase to 2.2 billion by 2030. Today, Islam is the largest religion in the world, whose followers constitute about 24 percent of the total population of the world. These figures have been taken from ‘The Globalist’. Now in this series, let us tell you how many Sunni and Shia Muslims live in the whole world.

First know about Sunni Muslims

Among the Muslims living in the whole world, the largest population is of Sunni Muslims. According to the BBC report, about 90 percent of the total Muslims in the whole world are Sunni Muslims. Most Sunni Muslims believe in the most traditional and conservative stream of Islam. In fact, the word Sunni has come from the word ‘Ahl-al-Sunnah’, which means ‘people who follow tradition’.

Now know about Shia Muslims

Compared to Sunni Muslims, their population is very less in the world. The Shia community first started as a political faction. The word Shia means Shiat Ali i.e. Ali’s group. Let us tell you, Ali was the son-in-law of Prophet Mohammed and the people of the Shia community claim that only Ali and his children had the right to lead the Muslims.

Well, today if there is any biggest face of the Shia community in the world, then it is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Khamenei is the supreme leader of Iran and the second most influential Muslim personality in the world. In fact, Jordan’s The Royal Aal Al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought (RABIIT) released a list of 500 influential Muslim personalities around the world for the year 2023. In this, the first place was Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, who is a Sunni Muslim, and the second place was Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who is a Shia Muslim.

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