How many times can a person survive a heart attack? Know the symptoms and remedies

How many times can a person survive a heart attack? Know the symptoms and remedies

Heart attack is a very serious problem, but if the treatment is done at the right time, the patient can survive. This question is often asked that how many times can a person survive a heart attack. The answer to this is not easy, because it depends on the person’s health, quality of treatment and timely help. Today we will learn about the symptoms of heart attack, so that you can recognize it on time.  

Why does a heart attack occur? 
Due to today’s wrong lifestyle and bad eating habits, heart attacks are occurring even at a young age. Unhealthy diet, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure cause blockages in the heart arteries, which increases the risk of heart attack. When we eat too much fatty food, bad cholesterol increases in our blood. This bad cholesterol starts accumulating in the heart arteries, which stops the flow of blood. When blood is unable to reach the heart, a heart attack occurs. 

How many times does a person get a heart attack?
Many people ask how many times a person can get a heart attack. Usually, a person can get a heart attack three times in life. After the first and second heart attack, if timely treatment is done and lifestyle is improved, then the person can survive. But after the third heart attack, the heart becomes so weak that it becomes very difficult to survive the fourth heart attack.

Symptoms of heart attack

  • Severe pain or pressure in your chest
  • Pain in your left arm, neck, or jaw
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Cold sweat
  • Weakness or dizziness

Measures to prevent heart attack

  • No tobacco and alcohol consumption at all
  • Eat a healthy diet, such as fruits, vegetables and low-fat foods
  • Exercise daily
  • Keep weight under control
  • Keep blood pressure and cholesterol under control

Care after heart attack
If someone has had a heart attack once, then he should take special care of his health. Take medicines regularly on the advice of the doctor and follow all the instructions given by him. By adopting the right lifestyle and making healthy habits, the risk of heart attack can be reduced.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

Also read:After Covid, the trend of hiding the disease increased, 100 crore people are under the shadow of this fear, the reason revealed in the research will surprise you

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