How many times has a terrorist attack happened in the history of Olympic Games security agency on high alert in Paris Olympics

How many times has a terrorist attack happened in the history of Olympic Games security agency on high alert in Paris Olympics

More than 10,500 players from all over the world have participated in the Paris Olympic Games 2024. Indian players are also performing best in the Olympic Games. But apart from these games, all the security agencies in Paris, the capital of France, are on high alert for the safety of the players. Do you know when in the history of the Olympics, terrorist attacks have happened during the organization of the games. Today we will tell you when and how terrorist attacks have happened during the organization of the Olympic Games.

paris olympics

This time the Olympic Games have been organized in Paris, the capital of France. Players from all over the world have come to these games. The responsibility of the security of all these players also lies with the French government and its security agencies. It is worth noting that on 26 July 2024, a few hours before the grand opening of the Paris Olympic Games, there was a major attack on the train network. Due to which many railway lines were vandalized and wires were burnt. Due to this the rail service was disrupted for a long time. At the same time, PM Gabriel Attal called the attack a conspiracy to disrupt the Olympics.

Paris on high alert

Let us tell you that the French government, which is hosting the Olympic Games, has put all security agencies on high alert in the capital Paris. The French security agency is keeping an eye on all people and places. During the Olympic Games, the priority of the French government is the safety of the players from all countries and the peaceful organization of the Olympic Games.

terrorist attack at olympic games

No one forgets the year 1972 in the history of Olympic Games. Because at that time Palestinian terrorists had taken 11 Israeli players hostage in their hotel. The Munich Olympic Games started on 26 August 1972 with a very colourful program. During that time the Israeli players were staying in a hotel in the Olympic Games Village, built about 20 km away from Munich.

On 6 September 1972, five masked Palestinian terrorists entered the hotel and first shot weightlifter Joseph Romano, after which their second victim was wrestling coach Moshe Weinberg. This incident caused chaos in the hotel. Meanwhile, the terrorists took 9 Israeli players hostage. They demanded the German government to immediately release some of their selected leaders arrested by Israel. Not only this, the terrorists had threatened that if this did not happen, they would kill all the players.

After this, the German government promised to send the terrorists to Cairo safely with a helicopter. The terrorists put pressure on the German government to take all the kidnapped players with them, to which the German government had to relent. The terrorists and the kidnapped players were seated in some vehicles and taken to Bavaria Airport, away from Munich.

operation against terrorists

According to the information, Germany’s plan was to carry out an operation there and get the kidnapped players released safely. For this, sharp shooters were sitting on all the buildings around Bavaria Airport. They started firing on the terrorists as soon as they reached the airport. Amidst the firing, a terrorist took out a grenade and threw it on the helicopter, after which the whole scene changed with a loud explosion. All the terrorists were killed by the security forces, but not even a single player survived in this operation. After this, all the events of the Olympic Games were stopped for some time. This happened for the first time in the history of the Olympics.

atlanta olympics

A bomb blast took place in a park during the Atlanta Olympics in 1996. This attack was carried out by terrorist Eric Rudolph, who was from America. Two people died and 111 people were injured in this attack.

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