How many troops does Pakistan keep in PoK? Know what is the preparation to deal with the attack

How many troops does Pakistan keep in PoK? Know what is the preparation to deal with the attack

Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK) is an area that is full of controversy and strategic importance. Pakistan runs its base of terrorism from here. This area has been a part of Indian sovereignty as part of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, while Pakistan has occupied it. The deployment of Pakistan’s army in this area remains a complex and sensitive issue. Today we will tell how Pakistan deploys so many soldiers in this area.

The issue of PoK came to the fore after the Kashmir war of 1947-48, when Pakistan took control of this area during the conflict between the Indian and Pakistani armies. Since then this area is under the control of Pakistan. However, India considers it a part of its sovereignty. Because of this, the military deployment and security situation in PoK remains very important. 

How is the army deployed in PoK?
There is no exact information available on the number of Pakistan Army deployment in PoK, as military data is often kept sensitive and confidential, but based on the available information and analysis, it is believed that the deployment of Pakistani Army in PoK is quite significant and extensive. However, Pakistan has deployed a variety of army units in PoK, including infantry, engineering corps and artillery units. In addition, in view of the activities of terrorism and insurgency in the region, Pakistan has also deployed special security forces and intelligence agencies.

The deployment of Pakistan’s army here is not only to ensure regional security, but it also provides a strategic advantage in case of a possible military conflict with India. The army is given every kind of facility here. 

How is the preparation done to deal with the attack?
Due to Pakistan’s military deployment in PoK, the security situation in this region is constantly tense. Security forces are deployed here. Apart from this, the purpose of Pakistan’s army deployment in this region is often to maintain regional stability and prevent insurgent activities. Infantry, engineering corps and artillery units are kept here to deal with the attack."text-align: justify;">Read also: Hair and nails grow faster in space? Astronaut Sunita Williams reveals the secret

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