How much is the guarantee of pregnancy in egg freezing? Know according to the expert

How much is the guarantee of pregnancy in egg freezing? Know according to the expert

Egg freezing is a process in which the eggs of women are kept safe so that they can conceive in the future. It is beneficial for those women who want to avoid pregnancy due to some reason. Let us know according to the experts how much is the guarantee of pregnancy from egg freezing and till what age egg freezing should be done.

Process of egg freezing
In this process, the eggs of the woman are removed and frozen at a very cold temperature. These eggs can be used later for pregnancy. This method is helpful for those women who want to avoid pregnancy due to career, studies or any health reason.

Guarantee of pregnancy
Egg freezing does not guarantee pregnancy, but it increases the chances of pregnancy. The possibility of pregnancy depends on the woman’s age, the quality of the eggs and the health condition.

Effect of age
The woman’s age has a big impact on egg freezing and future pregnancies. According to experts, it is best to freeze eggs before the age of 35 because by this age the quality and number of eggs is better. After 35 years, both the quality and number of eggs start decreasing, which reduces the chances of pregnancy.

Success rate
The success rate of pregnancy through egg freezing is between 30-60%. This rate depends on the woman’s age and her health. If the eggs are frozen before the age of 35, the chances of success increase.  The chances of success also increase if more eggs are frozen. This means that the more eggs are frozen, the greater the chances of pregnancy. Although pregnancy is not guaranteed, it is a safe and effective method. With the advice of a doctor and the right information, women can protect their future fertility.

Expert advice
Experts believe that egg freezing does not guarantee pregnancy, but it is a safe and effective method. Before this process, women should consult their doctor and get complete information about their health. With the right information and by taking the right steps at the right time, women can protect their future fertility. Take care of your body and take the right decision at the right time. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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