How snake poison is treated with camel’s tears, know this magical treatment

How snake poison is treated with camel’s tears, know this magical treatment

Kaam ki Baat: It is said that only iron cuts iron, the news is that the cure for snake poison has been found from the tears of a camel. According to data, around 1.25 lakh people around the world die every year due to snake bites. But this is a news of relief in medical science after the medicine for snake poison was invented from camel’s tears. 

What does the research say
Dubai’s Central Veterinary Research Laboratory has claimed after a research that snake venom can be prepared by using camel’s tears. Although this research in Dubai’s lab was done many years ago, due to lack of funds this matter could not move forward. But now the research and lab are hopeful that funds will be arranged and their project will move forward.

How will the treatment be done? Dr. Warner, head of this research, says that there is no doubt that the antidotes are present in camel tears. An effective medicine will be made from it which can effectively remove the bite of snake poison. World of Medical Science: A medicine that can remove snake poison is made using horses and sheep and now camel tears can also remove snake poison. Complete preparations for evacuation have been made. 

What experts say
Experts say that many types of essential proteins are found in camel tears which protect it from infection. The lysozymes found in camel tears also prevent bacteria, viruses and other insects. Not only tears but camel urine also has medicinal power, which has been used for a long time. These tears are so effective that they even cut the poison of a snake. Research on this topic is also going on in many countries like India and America. 

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