How To Check and Identify Fake Medicines read full article in hindi

How To Check and Identify Fake Medicines read full article in hindi

Identify Fake Medicines: In case of cold and fever, we often buy medicines from medical stores and consume them. But do you know that these medicines can also be fake. For your information, let us tell you that these days fake medicines are available in abundance in the market. But most importantly, how can you know whether the medicine is real or fake? These days everything is being adulterated in the market. Similarly, fake medicines are being sold indiscriminately in the market.

Often, when people have cold, cough and fever, they buy medicines from medical stores and consume them. If you also do something like this then be careful because it can prove dangerous for your life. The medicines you consume may also be fake. Nowadays, a large quantity of fake medicines are being sold in the market. In such a situation, it is most important that whenever you go to buy medicines online or from a medical store, you can find out like this.

How to identify real and fake medicine

Before buying medicine in a medical store, first of all look carefully at its QR code print. After scanning this code print, you can easily get the complete history. In such a situation, whenever you go to buy medicine, look carefully at the QR code on the medicine. If this code is not on the medicine then the medicine may be fake. One should avoid buying such medicines.

If you buy medicine with a unique QR code, scan it at the shop itself. With this you will get complete information related to the medicine. According to the rules, there must be a QR code on medicines costing more than Rs 100. If the medicine does not have this code then do not buy it at all. The QR codes on medicines are of advanced version. Its complete details are released through the Central Database Agency. The QR code on different medicines is also changed. One more thing is that it is difficult to create a fake QR code.

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