How To Get Rid Of Red Ants From House Use These 5 Easy Home Remedies

How To Get Rid Of Red Ants From House Use These 5 Easy Home Remedies

The smaller the red ants are in appearance, the more they create terror. If a large number of these ants enter the house, then they start spoiling the things kept in the house. They not only attack the food items, but also bite the skin when they come in contact with humans, causing itching and burning. By the way, there are many insecticides available in the market to drive them away from the house. However, if you want to show them the way out of the house without killing them, then you can use some easy home remedies. Let us know how to get red ants out of the house without killing them?

drive red ants out of the house like this

1. Turmeric and Alum: To remove red ants from the house, mix alum and turmeric in equal quantity and then prepare a powder from the mixture of both. Sprinkle this powder well on those parts of the house, where there is often a gathering of red ants.

2. Orange: Orange can also help in driving away your ants. First of all, you have to take orange juice and then add some hot water to it. You have to sprinkle this mixture in those places of the house, where red ants often hover. You can also use citrus fruits like tangerine and lemon to drive away red ants.

3. Garlic: Ants do not like the smell of garlic at all. This is the reason why garlic can be used to drive them out of the house. You just have to grind the garlic and extract its juice and then sprinkle this juice on the place of ants.

4. Salt: Very few people know that if a little salt is added to the water while mopping, it can help a lot in driving away the ants.

5. Vinegar: Mix equal quantity of water in vinegar and then sprinkle it in those places where ants keep hovering in large numbers.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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