How To Hide Chats On ChatGPT Without Deleting Them Here Is Step By Step Guide

How To Hide Chats On ChatGPT Without Deleting Them Here Is Step By Step Guide

Hide Chats on ChatGPT: If you have used Chat GPT, then you must know that this chatbot can answer any question. Plus this chatbot provides up-to-date information to the subscribers. Today we will tell you how you can hide your chats from others in Chat GPT. Many times it happens that we are searching on a sensitive or some personal topic, in such a situation we do not want anyone else to see it. To avoid this, most people consider it right to delete their chats or disable it. However, apart from this there is also a method through which you can hide your chats.

Hide your chats on the web like this

You can use Archive to hide your chats on the website. To archive any conversation, you have to go to the chat panel visible on the left side and go to the chat you want to archive. Here you will see a box-like icon, click on it. By doing this your chats will be archived.

Do it like this in iPhone

The way to archive chats in iPhone is very simple. For this you have to swipe left on the chats. After this you will see the archive icon. As soon as you click on it, your chats will be archived. This feature is not currently available in Android. However, Open AI has made a post on X saying that the company will soon add this feature to the app.

How to view archived chats?

To see archived chats back, you have to go to Settings. Here you will get the option of archived chats, from this you can view and unarchive any chats you want to view.

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