How To Increase Bone Density

How To Increase Bone Density

Bone Density :Bad food and bad lifestyle affects our health. Bones become weak before time. If there is a problem of pain in knee, elbow and waist while getting up, then it is a matter of concern because it happens when the density of your bone is low, if this problem increases, then there may be a problem of osteoporosis, after which fractures of the bones occur. The risk of increases.

What is bone density

The amount of minerals is present in the tissues present in the bones, it is called bone density. If the bone density is low, your bones can become weak, the risk of breaking them increases, let us know the trick to increase bone density.

ways to increase bone density

vitamin D-To increase bone density, the amount of vitamin D in the body should be maintained, because due to lack of vitamin D in the body, your bones start becoming weak. Food rich in Vitamin D should be consumed. Apart from this, adequate amount of sunlight should be taken. If you are unable to sunbathe, then vitamin D supplement should be taken, so that there is no deficiency.

calcium-Calcium has a huge contribution in making bones strong. There is a risk of weakening of bones even if there is a lack of calcium in the body. Consuming adequate amount of calcium does not reduce bone density, you can consume calcium-rich foods like milk and dairy food to increase bone density.

caffeine-There is a risk of weakening of bones by the consumption of food with high amount of caffeine. In such a situation, keep distance from tea and coffee.

protein-Lack of protein in the body also causes a lot of damage to the bones. Protein prevents bones from becoming hollow. To consume sufficient amount of protein, you can eat food like chicken, meat and lentils.

Salt-Due to the consumption of more salt, the amount of sodium increases in the body, then it does not allow calcium to stay, in such a situation, if the bone density is low, reduce the intake of salt, otherwise the problem can become complicated.

Consumption of nuts-Any type of notes can fulfill the deficiency of all types of nutrition, vitamin D and calcium are found in plenty in it. Include nuts like almonds, cashews, peanuts and walnuts in your diet. This will complete the deficiency of calcium as well as magnesium.

excercise –Exercise and physical activity are also necessary to strengthen the bones. You should do yoga exercises and exercises regularly so that you can get benefit in the problem of low bone density. However, before any heavy exercise, do consult a doctor.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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