How To Indentify Fire Temprature By Its Flame Color Check Here

How To Indentify Fire Temprature By Its Flame Color Check Here

Fire Facts: If a fire is lit in front of you, can you tell by looking at it what will be its temperature? You must also be thinking that what kind of question is this, but let us tell you that by looking at the fire, its temperature can be told. It doesn’t matter whether you have a candle or a bone fire in front of you. You can tell the approximate temperature of each type of fire by looking at it. Just for this you have to keep the facts mentioned in this news in your mind.

Actually, the color of the fire itself gives information about its temperature. To know the temperature of any fire, you have to pay attention to its colour. Let us know how the temperature can be identified by the color of the fire…

The color of the fire will tell its temperature

  • If the color of the fire is red and the intensity is less. In such a situation, the temperature of the fire can be less than 500 degree centigrade.
  • Apart from this, the temperature of red colored fire can be from 525 to 900 degree centigrade.
  • If the color of the fire is orange and bright red, then the temperature can be up to 1000 degree centigrade.
  • If you see orange color fire and yellow color in it, then the temperature of the fire can go up to 1100 to 1200 degree centigrade.
  • If the color of the fire is yellow and white, then its temperature can go up to 1300 to 1500 degree centigrade.
  • You also have to pay attention to the fact that if the amount of yellow and white color is increasing in the fire, then the temperature is reaching that much, which can go up to 2500 degree centigrade.
  • If you see the color of the fire as blue, then its temperature can go up to 2500 to 3000 degree centigrade.

which color burns the fastest

After getting so much information, if there is a question in your mind that which color of fire is the fastest, then let us tell you that purple colored fire is the fastest. The temperature of purple colored fire can exceed 3000 degree centigrade.

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