how to protect my phone from spy apps best tips and tricks to safe phone from dangerous apps

how to protect my phone from spy apps best tips and tricks to safe phone from dangerous apps

Harmful apps in phone: Nowadays most of the people are using smartphones. If you have a smartphone then there will be many apps in it, such as social media apps, gaming apps, Netflix for watching web series, Amazon Prime and many OTT apps.

Beware of dangerous apps

You may be using these apps daily, but are you aware that there are some apps that can prove to be dangerous for your phone. These apps look like normal apps, but as soon as you install these apps from the Play Store, these dangerous apps can spread viruses in your phone and make your data disappear.

To protect your phone from such harmful apps, you will have to go to Google Play Store and take some security measures. After which you will know which app is not safe for your phone. Let us tell you about it.

How to detect such apps?

  • Open Google Play Store to detect harmful apps in your phone.
  • After opening Google Play Store, click on your photo on the top right corner.
  • After opening, click on your mail icon next to the notification bell in the top right corner.
  • After it opens, click on the fourth option Play Protect option.
  • After that, all the apps present in your phone will be visible there. There will be a scan option given below, click on it.
  • As soon as you click on the scan option, all the apps present in your phone will start getting scanned.
  • After this process you will know whether there is any harmful app in your phone or not.

What to do if there is a harmful app in the phone?

After scanning, if any harmful app is found in your phone, then first of all, if you have created your profile or account in that app, then log out of it immediately. After that, uninstall that app from the phone. This will keep your phone and the data in it safe. After following this process completely, you can use your phone comfortably.

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