how to reduce estrogen dominance naturally read full article in hindi

how to reduce estrogen dominance naturally read full article in hindi

Period Problem: The biggest identity of any healthy person is that his hormones remain in balance. Especially if there are hormonal changes in women, then their risk of many diseases will increase. Like PCOS, thyroid, skin related problems, weight gain, periods not coming on time.

Especially when the balance of estrogen hormone gets disturbed in the body of women, then problems related to periods and fertility start. Estrogen detoxification is very important which works to control the increased hormones in the body. Today we will know what effect the increase in estrogen hormone has on the body?

How to do estrogen detoxification?

Physical activity is very important to reduce stress. Yoga, focus and deep breathing. Can balance the level of estrogen in the body. Include as much green leafy vegetables as possible in your diet. Especially by eating cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, the level of estrogen in the body can be reduced.

Vitamin B…reduces estrogen

Vitamin B is an essential nutrient for controlling estrogen levels. You should include foods rich in Vitamin B6 like sweet potatoes, bananas, lentils in your diet. One should avoid eating excessive alcohol and sugar-rich food. Because it promotes estrogen hormone in the body. Due to which many types of health problems can occur.

Excessive bleeding during periods is caused by increased levels of estrogen. Due to increase in estrogen level, many types of problems occur during periods.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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