How To Start Your Day In Winter Best Drink For Morning In Cold Season

How To Start Your Day In Winter Best Drink For Morning In Cold Season

How To Start Your Day In Winter: In the summer season, it is said to start the day with Copper Water or fresh water. Because according to health science experts, doing this keeps the stomach clean and prevents many serious diseases. But in the winter season, you can neither drink water kept overnight in a copper utensil nor can you start the day with fresh water. Because both of them become very cold. Keep in mind, water kept overnight in a copper vessel (Copper Bottle Water In Winter) should not be drunk after heating it, it becomes toxic.

Now in such a situation, the question arises that if you want to start the day with water, then what should be done in winter (Winter Morning Tips)? The first answer to this is that you drink lukewarm water and secondly, keeping in mind the needs of the body according to the season, consume the wonderful masala drink mentioned here. Due to its use seasonal diseases as well as migraine, It is also beneficial in the problems of hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance, bloating etc.

What to drink instead of tea at the beginning of the day?

Under no circumstances should you start your day with tea. The concept of Bed-Tea may be tempting but it is not healthy at all. Always start your day with water and prepare and drink this special drink with water in winter. This will give you the feel of flavored water…

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  • 1 glass of water
  • 1/2 inch grated ginger
  • Half teaspoon green cardamom powder
  • half teaspoon ajwain
  • half teaspoon coriander seeds
  • half teaspoon cumin

Prepare drink by this method

  • Put all these things in water and boil it i.e. boil it.
  • Then leave it to cook on low flame for 4 to 5 minutes.
  • Then turn off the flame and filter it and serve it hot to the whole family.
  • One glass of this drink should not be taken in more than half a cup. So when you prepare a glass of drink, it is ready for 4 people.
  • If you want to consume it alone, then use all the things in very small amounts according to half a cup.
  • Consume this drink every day in the morning. Drinking more than half a cup can cause stomach irritation, so keep the quantity limited.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: The medicine to increase immunity is in the kitchen only, these are 3 types of special tea, the benefits of which will be seen in a few days.

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