How To Stay Safe From New Variant Of Corona Bf.7 With Home Remedies

How To Stay Safe From New Variant Of Corona Bf.7 With Home Remedies

Corona Prevention Tips: Corona has started increasing once again. The biggest problem is that there are problems like cough-cold-fever in the winter season, in such a situation people are also ignoring Kovid. Also, during cold and cough, the Kovid virus gets an environment to increase its number rapidly inside your body.

Let us remind you once again that after entering the body, the corona virus starts making copies of itself to increase its number rapidly. And first of all attacks the immunity of the body. In such a situation, if your immunity is weak, then the whole mechanism inside the body will come under the grip of Kovid. To avoid this, you have to strengthen your immunity beforehand and for this it is very important to include some natural herbs in your daily diet. Here you are being told about them…

Which is the new variant of Corona?

At present, the name of the corona virus which is wreaking havoc in China is BF.7 and the worst thing with it is that of all the variants of Kovid that have come so far, it is considered to be the most rapidly spreading variant among them. Is. If media reports are to be believed, if one person gets infected with BF.7, it can spread the infection to up to 18 people. BF.7 omicron is a sub-variant of You can call it the fourth generation variant of Kovid-19, which has spread a lot of panic. Although its infection is still very limited in our country, but the kind of news coming out from China, there is an atmosphere of fear.

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Which things will be protected from corona by eating?

  • To prevent corona, include such foods in your daily diet, which increase immunity and prevent you from getting cold-cough fever. Because when you stay away from these seasonal diseases, the corona will not be able to dominate quickly and if you consume the things mentioned here in the daily diet, even the primary symptoms of the corona will not flourish. If the immunity is strong then Kovid will not be able to make its own copies.
  • Make sure to use the mask and get into the habit of hand sanitizer. By doing this the virus load will reduce and even if you come in contact with corona infection but the virus load will be less then you will get discharged from this infection very soon. Now know which things will be protected from corona by eating…
  • Consume licorice and honey once a day. Take one spoon of honey and mix one-fourth spoon of licorice powder in it, then eat it slowly by licking it with your finger. You will not get respiratory system infection.
  • Drink turmeric milk. Drinking a glass of milk mixed with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder two hours after dinner every night strengthens the immune system.
  • Prepare tea by mixing basil-ginger-black pepper-jaggery and consume it once a day. This improves both digestion and immunity.
  • If you have a sore throat or you have come in contact with a person suffering from infection like cold, fever, then immediately follow any one of the above-mentioned tips.
  • If there is a problem of pain or sore throat, then sleep after brushing at night and put cloves in the mouth while sleeping. Press it on the side of the tooth and keep it in the mouth for the whole night, it will cure the soreness and the throat infection will also not increase.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: What are gut bacteria? What is their relation with the intestines and why are they important for a healthy life?

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