How was Einstein’s brain different from that of a normal human? What was revealed in the research

How was Einstein’s brain different from that of a normal human? What was revealed in the research

Who does not know scientist Albert Einstein? Even today he is remembered all over the world for his sharp mind. Albert Einstein’s mind was very different and sharp from others. His mind was so sharp that even today people use his mind as a synonym for genius. It was believed that Einstein had the highest IQ. Today we will tell you how Einstein’s mind was the sharpest and how much higher was his IQ than ordinary people.

Who was Einstein?

The great scientist Albert Einstein, who explained the Theory of Relativity and the relationship between mass and energy, was born on 14 March 1879. On 09 November 1922, he was awarded the ‘1921 Nobel Prize in Physics’ for his services in ‘theoretical physics’ and especially for the discovery of the photoelectric effect. His brain was very different and sharp from others.

Einstein’s brain

Einstein’s brain was so special that after his death his brain was preserved. Through many studies, efforts were made to find out how his brain was different and sharp from others. A study found that Einstein’s brain was indeed different from others in many ways. However, no study has been able to find out why this was so.

Einstein’s brain was the sharpest

Why was the brain of the great scientist Albert Einstein so sharp? Everyone asks this question. Now many theories have come up on this. According to scientists, Einstein’s brain had more folds (stripes) than other brains. It is said that this was the reason for his intelligence.

After the death of Nobel laureate Einstein in 1955, his brain was divided into 240 blocks and given to scientists for research. Most of these samples have been lost and very little information has been revealed about its anatomy. According to the Telegraph report, the new research was done on the basis of the photographs of Einstein’s brain present in the personal collection of pathologist Thomas Hervey. Einstein’s brain, weighing 1230 grams, is the same as that of a normal person, but has a lot of folds on it.

What is IQ?

The term IQ was coined by psychologist William Stern in 1912. At that time, IQ was measured on the basis of the ratio of a person’s mental age and chronological age. Even today, the IQ of a person can be measured in the same way. If the mental age of a 10-year-old person is 10, then his IQ will be 100. However, if a person’s mental age is more than his chronological age, then his IQ will also be high. If the mental age of a 10-year-old person is 12, then his IQ will be 120. On the other hand, if a person’s mental age is less than his chronological age, then his IQ will be less than 100.

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