Human Can Can Live Without These Body Parts Human Body Parts And Organs Extra Organs In Our Body

Human Can Can Live Without These Body Parts Human Body Parts And Organs Extra Organs In Our Body

Human Body Organs: The human body is a complex structure. The smallest part of the body is the ‘cell’. Tissues are made up of millions of cells and tissues together form an organ. A body is made up of organs. There are two types of organs in our body. First there are the external organs, such as hands, feet, fingers, nose, soul etc. Others are internal organs, these include all those organs which are inside the body, like heart, lungs etc. According to a study, there are a total of 206 bones and about 78 organs in our body.

You may be surprised to know, but many of these organs are such that even if they are separated from the body, a human being can survive. Yes, you read right. Let us know which are those organs without which a human being can survive.

Anthony Weinhaus, director of human anatomy at the University of Minnesota, says that body parts that are no longer of any use may have been very important to our ancestors at some point. Many of these organs still do their work, but it is not necessary that they are of our use. Let us know which are these parts.

It holds the bile that comes out of the body. Pitta controls the digestive system in our body. Many times a stone is formed in it and the doctor advises to remove it after surgery.

The lower end of the spine is called the tail bone. It is believed to be the remains of a tail. According to biologists, in ancient times it was used to maintain balance while climbing trees. Human beings have evolved biologically with time, after which it has no longer any function.

This organ is located between the small and large intestine in the body. It has been named the vestigial organ. Many times, when there is a problem of stomach infection or inflammation, the doctor advises to remove it by surgery. Biologists say that good bacteria are found in the appendix. In ancient times, when humans used to eat uncooked food, grass or low quality substances, the appendix used to help them in digestion.

Wisdom Teeth
It is believed that in olden times it would have been needed to chew raw meat or uncooked food, but at present there is soft and cooked food and there is no effort to chew it. That’s why wisdom teeth are an extra part of the body.

Palmar Grasp Reflex
This reflex occurs only in children up to six months, but now it is of no use. Biologists tell that in olden times this would have been useful when the mother would walk with her child clinging to her body. You must have seen that the newborn baby holds your finger so tightly that it can be lifted with the help of the same finger. This is due to the palmar grasp reflex itself.

Tonsils are near the wisdom teeth. Biologists believe that it is an immune cell of the throat and is helpful in fighting respiratory infections, but sometimes due to infection, it becomes swollen and causes severe pain. In such a situation, doctors also advise to remove them.

Auricular Muscles
Auricular muscles are used to move ears in animals like cat and horse, but they are no longer useful in our body.

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