Hyderabad Woman Loses Eyesight Using Smart Phone In Dark Room

Hyderabad Woman Loses Eyesight Using Smart Phone In Dark Room

Woman Loses Eyesight Due To Smartphone: We all are well aware of the ill effects of technology and also know what the addiction of smart gadgets can do. Still, many people ignore or do not follow the precautions. Such people let their addiction take a toll on their health. A woman from Hyderabad also had a similar addiction to using her smartphone at night and her habit of scrolling through social media at night took away her eyesight.

Hyderabad-based neurologist Dr. Sudhir took to Twitter to reveal how a 30-year-old woman damaged her eyes by using her phone in the dark. In a Twitter thread, the doctor told that one of his patients named Manju had come to him with a vision problem. When she underwent medical tests, it was found that she was suffering from Smartphone Vision Syndrome (SVS), which can lead to various eye problems including blindness.

‘The woman used to use the phone for hours in the dark’

According to the doctor, the reason for the loss of eyesight was his habit of spending a lot of time on the phone in the dark. She was following a regular habit for about one and a half years. Dr. Sudhir wrote on Twitter, ‘She used to browse on her smartphone for many hours daily and it became her new habit, she used to use the phone for such hours at night even in the dark of the room.’

Tips to reduce screen time

After paying attention to the routine, the doctor advised the woman to take medicine and asked her to reduce her screen time. After medication and avoiding screens, she was able to recover her eyesight. Dr. Sudhir further said, ‘Manju was absolutely fine in the review of 1 month. His 18-month-old vision loss was gone. Now, his vision was normal, he didn’t see any floaters or flashes of light. In addition, the transient loss of his vision at night also stopped. Our suspicion proved correct.

Increasing screen time in India

According to mobile analytics firm Data.ai, the average screen time of smartphones in India increased to 4.7 hours per day in 2021, from 4.5 hours in 2020 and 3.7 hours in 2019. The figures of people using smartphones in dark rooms are also increasing. These things are not only affecting mentally but also increasing the chances of vision loss.

How to take care of eyes?

While it is not possible to ignore the smartphone, it is highly advisable to control the screen time and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Even for the tech savvy, technology will help you reduce your screen time. For example, turning on Zen Mode will help you stay away from your smartphone. Turning on the blue light filter will help you reduce the strain on your eyes. Set a timer and take screen breaks every 20 to 30 minutes. Start exercising and put the smartwatch to use.

what is the 20-20-20 rule

Meanwhile, Dr Sudhir advises people to avoid staring at digital device screens for long periods of time, as this can lead to serious and disabling vision problems. While using it, take 20-second breaks and look at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes. Follow the (20-20-20) digital screen rule.

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