‘I can’t see beautiful faces’, this person has a strange disease, even the most beautiful people look crooked!

‘I can’t see beautiful faces’, this person has a strange disease, even the most beautiful people look crooked!

It is said that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. If we like something then there is nothing more beautiful than it in our eyes. At the same time, if something seems bad, then even after having a lot of good things in it, it still remains bad. However, there is one person whose eyes do not contain beauty. No matter how beautiful a person he sees, he only looks at him sideways.

You may find it strange to hear, but this person from Tennessee, America, has a strange disease. Make him sit in front of the most beautiful woman or man, he can only see her as ugly. His eyes cannot see any beautiful face. 59 year old Victor Shayrah has started having this problem since the year 2020 and he can no longer see beautiful faces.

not being able to see beautiful faces
Imagine that you meet someone and his face appears disfigured to you. You will hardly be able to tolerate that the other person’s eyes, nose and ears are visible moving and stretching. However, after waking up one morning in November 2020, a person named Victor Shayrah realized that the shape, size and color of everyone’s face was looking strange. Victor, who once had sharp eyes, was seeing everyone’s face crooked, including his roommate. They say that it was quite scary. However, he recently came to know that this is not a problem with his eyes but a brain syndrome, which is called prosopometomorphopsia.

What is this syndrome?
PMO is an ultra-rare disorder, of which there are only 75 cases in the world. Even doctors don’t know much about it. Victor sees faces differently but he does not forget people’s identities. Scientists from Dartmouth College in New Hampshire are doing research on this condition of Shayrah. He has been seeing and recognizing people with similar faces for the last 4 years. No one knows the reason behind this syndrome but doctors believe that this happened to Victor due to a head injury.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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