‘I only date rich people’, Hasina openly announced, then put such a condition, men are left wondering!

‘I only date rich people’, Hasina openly announced, then put such a condition, men are left wondering!

The talk about love has now started appearing quite old because people openly say that they want money more than love in their life. They are even ready to enter into a relationship with someone only when the other person has immense money. Yes, hardly anyone will say this directly but a girl has clearly said that she will date only the one who is rich.

According to the report of The Sun, a girl named Nova Jewels, resident of Scotland, clearly told that she dates only men with money. However, he has given one more condition, after hearing which more than half of the men will be left wondering. Nova has told that after seeing which habits of men, she keeps distance from them.

‘Be rich, but don’t have a habit’
Nova Jewels earlier used to work as a wedding coordinator. However, later she started modeling and now she only dates rich men. She does not shy away from dating men older than her, if they have a lot of money to spend. She dates him by taking him on luxurious trips and expensive gifts. However, after all this, Nova says that if she sees a man smoking, she immediately rejects him.

‘Don’t be around smokers’
Nova tells that if she finds a man drinking and smoking, she will not date him at all, even if he is very rich. He likes people with clean teeth and fresh breath, who cannot be smokers at all. Apart from this, smokers go out frequently, which they do not like. Nova says that there are many benefits of being in a relationship with a man who is richer than herself. You don’t have to think about your expenses and luxurious life.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Bizarre news, Viral news

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