icecream and potato chips harmful for body addictive as cocaine know from research

icecream and potato chips harmful for body addictive as cocaine know from research

Be it young or old, everyone loves to eat ice cream and potato chips. Some people are so fond of ice cream that they consume ice cream daily even in winter. You must have often seen people when they tear a packet of chips and eat all the chips in it until it is finished. For some people, it has become food in a way.

A research found that consumption of ice cream and potato chips has now become an addiction. People have now become addicted to it like nicotine and cocaine. Ultra processed foods have made more than one in 10 people addicted. These foods contain very high amounts of carbohydrates and fat, which is why they become addictive. There are some substances in these things due to which we feel like eating them again and again.

These diseases can happen

According to research, ice cream and potato chips are like an addiction, which can be a little difficult to distance from. But you should gradually reduce its intake. If you do not give up your addiction on time, it increases the risk of weight gain and diabetes. Apart from this, problems like heart problem, cholesterol, blood pressure, damage to teeth etc. start occurring. It is okay to eat a small amount of ice cream or chips occasionally, but consuming it daily can be dangerous for the body.

do these measures

It is very difficult to give up ice cream and potato chips completely, but whenever you feel like eating chips, you can eat roasted peanuts or makhana. If you feel like eating ice cream, then you can make curd an alternative. Avoid eating the entire packet of chips in one go, instead take some out in a bowl and eat it. Try not to bring packets of chips home. These changes are a bit difficult to make suddenly, but with continuous effort you can give up the addiction of ice cream and chips.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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