ICMR guidelines tells about the best way of cooking Clay pots are the safest

ICMR guidelines tells about the best way of cooking Clay pots are the safest

ICMR Guidelines On Cooking: In the changing lifestyle and high-tech era, the way of cooking has also changed a lot. The kitchens of homes have now become hi-tech, where people prefer to use non-stick utensils instead of traditional steel or aluminum utensils. Sure, non-stick utensils protect food from burning or sticking, but they can pose a threat to your health.

Recently, the Indian Council of Medical Research i.e. ICMR has shared a detailed guideline through which it has warned against cooking food in non-stick pans. In fact, ICMR has considered earthen pots as the safest cookware for cooking. ICMR has also told the correct method of cooking.

It is safest to cook food in earthen pots.
According to ICMR guidelines, earthen utensils require less oil and help in maintaining the natural taste and nutrients of the food without using any chemicals. Cooking food in earthen pots not only enhances its taste but also gives you its mineral content. However, before using earthen utensils, it is important to pay special attention to their cleanliness.

Why is it important to avoid non-stick?
There is no doubt that cooking in non-stick cookware is easier and it uses less oil. Due to its surface, cooking also becomes convenient, but recent research has revealed that using non-stick utensils for cooking can be harmful for health. Health experts have expressed concern about this and also told about the possible dangers.

One of the biggest concerns when cooking in non-stick cookware is perfluorooctanoic acid (PFO) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), which are chemicals used in the production of non-stick coatings like Teflon. According to research, when non-stick cookware is heated at high temperatures, these chemicals release poisonous smoke into the air, which, upon coming in contact, directly affects health and increases health risks. When this smoke goes inside the body while breathing, it can cause respiratory problems, thyroid disorders and many types of cancer.

Which method of cooking is best?

  1. According to ICMR, using pre-cooking method can be the best way to prepare food. All the nutrients of eating it remain intact.
  2. According to ICMR, if pulses are soaked for some time before preparing them, the phytic acid present in them reduces and prevents the essential minerals present in the grains from being absorbed.
  3. At the same time, soaking vegetables in hot water for some time before cooking reduces the microorganisms present in them. Along with this, chemicals and preserving colors applied on vegetables are also removed.
  4. Boiling and streaming are also better methods for cooking. Water soluble vitamins and minerals are not lost when food is boiled or steamed. Frying or deep frying should be avoided.
  5. By cooking food in a pressure cooker, essential nutrients are retained in the food and it also takes less time to cook.
  6. It takes less time to cook food in microwave oven. Besides, nutrients also remain in the food.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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