If cholesterol increases, heart attack can happen anytime, control it like this

If cholesterol increases, heart attack can happen anytime, control it like this

High Cholesterol : It is very important to take special care of the health of the heart. It is an important part of our body and works to supply blood to the entire body. In such a situation, the healthier it is, the healthier the body remains. For a healthy heart, cholesterol level in the body should be kept under control. Nowadays, due to bad lifestyle and disturbances in eating habits, it is not easy to control cholesterol level.

There is a risk of heart diseases due to increased cholesterol. This can also cause heart attack. In such a situation, cholesterol level can be controlled by adopting some natural methods.

5 ways to control cholesterol

1. Add fiber to your diet
To control cholesterol levels, include foods rich in soluble fiber in your diet. This can help reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the bloodstream. You can include oatmeal, kidney beans, Brussels sprouts, apples and pears in your diet.

2. Avoid animal fat
Avoid animal fats to reduce high cholesterol levels. Avoid processed meats such as bologna, salami, pepperoni, hot dogs, red meat, pig meat, veal, or lamb meat. Also avoid high-fat dairy products such as milk, cheese, cream, and butter. These foods are high in processed fats and cholesterol, which are linked to high cholesterol and plaque buildup.

3. Reduce your carb diet
Many researches have shown that eating less carbs can help in reducing weight and reducing heart risk, so include high fiber carbohydrates like oatmeal, whole grains, beans, lentils and whole fruits in your diet. With its help, the stomach remains full for a long time and you can avoid overeating.

4. Adopt a vegetarian diet
Cholesterol level can be controlled by eating more and more vegetarian foods. For this, instead of animal based protein like meat, poultry, fish, eggs, paneer, start eating plant based protein like lentils, tofu or quinoa.

5. Control your weight
If you are overweight or obese, try to reduce it as soon as possible. Losing weight can help reduce LDL bad cholesterol. This can also prevent other serious diseases caused by obesity.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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