If not cobra, then who is the most poisonous creature on earth? Whose 1 drop of poison means death? Very small, but very dangerous

There are a total of 15 lakh known species of organisms present on Earth, out of which 10 lakh 50 thousand species are of insects. Among them, there are some innocent creatures, who are the easiest prey of other creatures, while there are some creatures who are experts in taking the lives of others. Some of them hunt and some kill with their poison. If we talk about the most poisonous creatures, the name of snake often comes to the fore. Among them, King Cobra is considered to be the most dangerous. It is said that if someone is bitten by a King Cobra and is not treated on time, his death is certain within 30 minutes.

Experts about cobra say that it can blind its prey by throwing poison from a distance. But you will be surprised to know that the most poisonous creature on earth is not the cobra. There is such a creature on earth that a single drop of its poison can kill any human being within a few minutes. Now you might be wondering, what kind of creature is that? In such a situation, let us tell you that the name of this creature is Conus geographus, which is a snail. This creature found in the sea is also called Geography Cone Snail. Experts say that this snail found on the rocks of the Indo-Pacific sea kills its prey with only one-tenth of the amount of poison that a big scorpion needs to kill its prey.

Its poison has not been discovered till date. In such a situation, if it releases its poison on a person, it will be difficult for him to survive. However, they are found in the depths of the sea, due to which they do not prove to be that dangerous for humans. But around the world, 30 cases of human death due to their poison were reported. All of them were divers, who went deep into the sea and this snail left its poison in their bodies. Everyone died. It is said that a person dies as soon as it comes in contact with its body. Generally they hunt only small fishes.

Tags: Strange and strange, The news is coming, OMG, Shocking news, Weird news

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