If the doctor is asking for a caesarean at the last moment, then do this immediately, there will be no problem

If the doctor is asking for a caesarean at the last moment, then do this immediately, there will be no problem

The elders of the house often say that normal delivery is very good for both the woman and the child. In normal delivery, the woman’s body recovers quickly. But there are many kinds of problems in cesarean. But it is said that it is not possible that what you think happens every time. It happens with many women that the doctor talks about normal delivery from the beginning but at the last moment decides for cesarean delivery. Today in this article we will know in detail what are the reasons due to which the doctor has to take this decision."text-align: justify;">Under what circumstances does a doctor have to take this decision

In fact, when there is any kind of danger to the baby and the mother in the womb, the doctor decides that the baby will have to be taken out through a cesarean operation. In this situation, the decision of a cesarean operation has to be taken in an emergency. Sometimes this decision is taken in a hurry. Sometimes it also happens that the doctors do not have any other option. 

When the baby comes out through normal means, the body recovers quickly. About 2 out of 5 women are suddenly advised to have a cesarean. This is called emergency cesarean. There is no danger to the baby in this. This is recommended when there is some danger to both the mother and the baby. There are complications in this such as excessive bleeding and severe pre-eclampsia. In this, a decision may have to be taken for an emergency cesarean.

According to Healthline, there is a risk to the health of the mother and the child in an emergency C-section. The decision of C-section is taken before normal delivery. The decision of C-section is taken before 30 minutes of delivery. That is, within 30 minutes of delivery, it is decided how to take the child out of the womb. 

Caesarean operation takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes. However, it may take hours to return to the maternity ward with the baby. In case of emergency, there is no time for epidural or spinal block. In such a situation, general anesthesia is given.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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