If the Moon comes close to the Earth how much devastation will it cause know what will happen due to this

If the Moon comes close to the Earth how much devastation will it cause know what will happen due to this

The distance between the Moon and Earth is an important part of the astronomical facts related to eclipses, Currently, the Moon is at a distance from the Earth from average 3,84,400 is located at a distance of kilometers, However, if the moon suddenly comes very close to the Earth, So this could have dire consequences, Meanwhile, let us know what will happen when the Moon comes very close to the Earth,What can happen; what can be done,

what would be the tidal effects,

The moon has a profound effect on the earth due to its tidal force, The gravitational force of the moon causes tides and ebbs in the oceans and other water bodies, if the moon comes closer to the earth, then the tidal forces would increase enormously, This can cause the sea level to rise suddenly and drastically, This can cause severe floods and deluges in coastal areas, To deal with such a situation, people in coastal areas will need to be evacuated to safer places.,

will cause major earthquakes

The Moon’s proximity to Earth can also affect its tidal force, This could put additional pressure on Earth’s tectonic plates, Which can lead to increase in earthquakes and volcanic activities, Additional stress on the Earth’s surface could activate existing fault lines and cause new seismic hazards, that can cause widespread and destructive earthquakes,

Impact on people’s lives

The Moon’s approach to Earth can have many direct and indirect effects on human life, Increased tidal effects and natural disasters could have negative impacts on human settlements and infrastructure, Apart from this, mental health can also be affected, Because the increasing presence of the Moon and its effects can cause tension in social and personal life.,

Ecliptic phenomena

The Moon’s proximity to Earth can also disturb the frequency and pattern of eclipses, Due to changes in the position of the moon, the space between the sun and the moon may also change, Which can affect the frequency and intensity of solar and lunar eclipse events.,

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