If there is a foul smell coming from your mouth even after brushing your teeth, do not ignore it, because it can lead to a serious disease

If there is a foul smell coming from your mouth even after brushing your teeth, do not ignore it, because it can lead to a serious disease

It is normal to have bad breath because if you do not maintain proper hygiene then it is natural for your mouth to have bad breath. But the question arises that if your mouth smells bad even after brushing, is it a matter of concern or not? By the way, dentists recommend brushing twice a day so that there is no bad breath. That is why they recommend gargling with water."text-align: justify;">Bad breath even after cleaning can be a sign of a serious disease

It is very important to take care of oral hygiene, but even after taking care of hygiene, if your mouth smells bad, then it can be a sign of some serious disease. Bad breath can be an early sign of many serious diseases. 

Respiratory tract infection

Sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia are serious respiratory diseases. In these diseases, the level of volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) increases in the body. Due to which there is a problem of bad breath. Along with this, the infection starts increasing. Bacteria start growing in the respiratory tract. In this situation, when you exhale, there is a smell.

Bad breath can also be an early sign of acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and stomach ulcers. Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid goes back into the digestive system and then the smell starts coming. 

Kidney disease 

The job of the kidney is to filter the dirt of the body and expel it through the toilet, but when the waste is not removed properly, the amount of toxins in the blood starts increasing. When the level of ammonia in the blood increases, the mouth smells. 


When the sugar level in the body increases, the mouth smells bad. This problem is very common among diabetes patients. This is said because diabetes patients have more ketones in their breath which produces a fruity smell. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert. 

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