If There Is An Emergency In The Airplane Then This Is How The Exit Gate Opens Interesting Facts About Airplane

If There Is An Emergency In The Airplane Then This Is How The Exit Gate Opens Interesting Facts About Airplane

How to open exit gate in plane: Airplane is a better option for long journeys. But many times an emergency situation also arises in the plane. By the way, to deal with such situations, airlines issue proper guidelines and necessary instructions are also announced on the spot. In order to come out of the aircraft in an emergency, an emergency exit gate is arranged in it. This is such a gate in the aircraft which can be opened by creating a little pressure during emergency. If you also travel by plane, then you should also know when and how the emergency gate of the plane is opened, so that in adverse circumstances it will be useful to save everyone’s life. Let’s know…

Short training is given

Passengers are properly informed about how to open the emergency gate. A short training is also given to the passenger sitting near the emergency gate. To open the exit gate, the passenger has to use the grill handle next to his seat.

How does the exit gate open?

On the right side of the passenger sitting near the exit gate, a red colored handle is given just above the gate. On which ‘pull to open’ is written. In the opposite situation, to open the exit gate, you have to hold this handle and pull it towards you. By doing this the gate opens and in case of emergency passengers can exit the aircraft through this gate.

When to open?

The decision of when to open the exit gate of the aircraft is not taken by the passengers but by the members of the cabin crew. When there is a need to open, it can be opened only after their announcement. When the crew members feel that there has really been an emergency situation or the situation is getting worse and the cabin crew is not reaching the passengers, then it can be opened after the announcement.

If a passenger opens the emergency exit gate under any circumstances other than those mentioned above, then doing so is considered a punishable offence. Strict action is taken against the passenger who does this. However, how strict and in what form the action will be, it is decided on the basis of how the situation was at that time and how much the other passengers traveling together were affected by it.

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