If we shoot an arrow at the moon will it go straight or up Know the science behind it

If we shoot an arrow at the moon will it go straight or up Know the science behind it

The world of space is full of mysteries. Space agencies around the world, including India, are working to understand space. Today man has reached the moon, but there are many mysteries on the moon that scientists have not been able to solve yet. But have you ever wondered that if a man shoots an arrow while staying on the moon, will that arrow go upwards or straight? Today we will tell you the reason behind this.

distance of moon from earth

Now let us first understand that if a part of the moon or any object falls on the earth, then when will it reach. Let us tell you that this is less likely to happen, if it happens then it will be a very rare and devastating event. The possibility of such incidents is less, but it can definitely be analyzed on the basis of science. Actually the moon is about 384,400 kilometers away from the earth. In such a situation, if a piece of the moon breaks or any object starts coming towards the earth, then the speed and travel time of that piece mainly depends on many factors.

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Gravity and Velocity

Any object in the moon’s orbit remains stationary unless an external force impacts it. However, if a piece of the moon breaks off and starts moving towards the Earth, it will be attracted rapidly due to the Earth’s gravity. To understand this process in simpler terms, we need to know that any object in the moon’s orbit gains speed continuously when it falls towards the Earth.

Now the question is that if a person shoots an arrow in the orbit of the moon, then will that arrow go up or down or in which direction? Let us tell you that if a person shoots an arrow from the moon, then that arrow will not go anywhere, but will remain stationary at the same place. Until any external force is applied on it again. Understand in simple language that every object in the orbit of the moon remains stationary, until a force is applied on it.

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How much time does it take for something to fall from the moon to the earth

According to a NASA report, objects falling from space usually fall at a speed of 11 kilometers per second i.e. about 40,000 kilometers per hour. Since the orbit of the moon is away from the Earth, it will take a maximum of a few hours for the broken piece of the moon to reach the surface of the Earth. To understand it in simpler terms, if a piece of the moon moves towards the Earth at a speed of 40,000 kilometers per hour, then it will take about 9.5 hours to cover a distance of 384,400 kilometers.

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