If you are fond of golgappas, then come to this shop, here unlimited golgappas are fed for Rs.39.

If you are fond of golgappas, then come to this shop, here unlimited golgappas are fed for Rs.39.

Piyush Pathak /Alwar. These days a shopkeeper at Kwality Kings near Ram Mandir located in Kala Kuan of the city is feeding unlimited golgappas for Rs.39. The residents of the city are also liking this idea very much. Ashish, the owner of Quality King, told that it has been only about 3 to 4 months since he started this shop. He is getting good response here. Along with Golgappa, Ashish also serves Tikia, Burger, Chowmein and Dosa to the people.

Ashish, owner of Quality King near Ram Mandir in Alwar city, said, ‘Our family business has been like this. That’s why I got the idea of ​​this shop. This is our ancestral work. This work has been going on for a long time. My grandfather used to work as a confectioner. My father also works in confectionery and catering. I have started my Kwality Kings shop in February itself. People are getting good response here. He told that I feed Dosa, Chowmein, Burger, Tikia, Golgappa to the people here. Our golgappas are very crispy. We get two types of water. In which there is pure tamarind water. In which no other thing was mixed. The second water is sour. So far every customer who has gone after eating Golgappas has come back here to eat Golgappas’.

Gol Gappas being fed for Rs.39
Ashish told that the reason behind serving unlimited golgappas for Rs 39 is that it is my thinking to provide good service to the people at a low cost. Golgappas are available at many places in Alwar city. But for Rs.39, unlimited golgappas are served only by us. I am feeding unlimited Golgappas with flour for Rs.39. There I feed four golgappas for Rs.10. Talking about semolina golgappas, I feed three golgappas of semolina for Rs.10. A man can eat unlimited golgappas for Rs.39 at our place. Ashish told that many customers have come to us like this. Those who have eaten unlimited golgappas for 39 rupees. Those who have eaten about 30 to 35 golgappas at one go. If you are eating unlimited golgappas for 39 rupees and you can eat less than that, then also you will have to pay 39 rupees for it.

Office in the morning and golgappas in the evening
Ashish told that he does his office work in the morning and comes to Quality Kings in the evening to provide his services to the people. He is handling both his jobs very well. Before going to work in the morning, he comes to the shop and does some work. After that go to the job. Then come back in the evening and work again at your shop. Ashish handles sales and service at Industrial Printers.


FIRST PUBLISHED : May 22, 2023, 11:24 AM

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