If you are having pain in your fingers then be careful, you may be a victim of this disease

If you are having pain in your fingers then be careful, you may be a victim of this disease

It is very important to take care of the heart because bad lifestyle and eating habits have a very bad effect on the heart. Whenever the cholesterol level in the body increases, the heart has to pay the price for it. The biggest reason for heart disease is the increase in bad cholesterol in the body. It starts accumulating in the arteries of the heart as a plague. Due to this, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases. Therefore, it is important to always keep the cholesterol level in the body under control. 

What is peripheral artery disease?

When the level of cholesterol increases in the body, some symptoms are seen on the body. When bad cholesterol starts increasing in the body, plaque starts accumulating in the arteries of the hands and feet. This condition is called peripheral artery disease. This condition is mostly seen in the legs. Symptoms visible in hands and feet when cholesterol increases.

Tingling sensation in hands and feet

Due to increased cholesterol, plaque starts accumulating in the arteries of hands and feet. Due to which blood circulation starts getting disturbed. When blood does not reach hands and feet properly, then tingling sensation starts in them. 

Leg Cramps

When the arteries of the legs start getting blocked, oxygen cannot reach them through blood. Due to which there may be difficulty in walking. That is why it is said that the more active you keep your body, the more you will be free from pain. Frequent pain in the legs is a sign of increased cholesterol. 

Hands and feet being cold

When cholesterol increases, hands and feet start getting cold. This clearly means that the blood flow in the body is not happening properly. Therefore, if such symptoms appear on your body, you should immediately consult a doctor. 

Pain in hands and legs

Pain in hands and legs is inevitable when cholesterol increases. This clearly means that your arteries are getting blocked. This causes a problem in blood circulation. Blood is not able to reach properly. This is why pain starts in the legs. 

These symptoms are visible in the body when bad cholesterol increases

The problem of bad cholesterol is increasing rapidly. Once bad cholesterol increases in a person’s body, it increases the risk of many diseases. The reports of most of the youth who work in multinational companies are very shocking. There have been many such cases in which bad cholesterol starts increasing rapidly in the body of young people. And later this causes heart attack. When bad cholesterol increases in the body, some special symptoms start appearing. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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