If You Want Weight Loss Follow Japanese Formula Hara Hachi Bu

If You Want Weight Loss Follow Japanese Formula Hara Hachi Bu

Weight Loss Diet: Obesity has become a problem for everyone these days. Due to eating antshunt and not eating healthy, it is not known when fat gets on the waist. Then when belly fat starts appearing then people focus on exercise and dieting. Have you ever seen the Japanese, looking absolutely slim and healthy. The Japanese, who are said to be the owners of longevity, are as fit as they look, as healthy and agile as they are. Let us know today what is the secret of slimness and activity of the Japanese. Its secret is a fixed formula of their food, following which obesity will never dominate the body in life. Japanese look so healthy and thin (weight loss) by following this formula. Today let us tell you what is this eating formula after all.

Hara Hachi Bu will drive away obesity

The name of this Japanese formula is Hara Hachi Bu. Hara Hachi Bu is a special way of eating which was also believed by our elders. But in today’s rush people have forgotten it. While eating under this formula, attention should be paid to some habit, which keeps the weight under control. Hara Hachi Bu means that one should eat only when the hunger is strong. Along with this, the food has to be stopped as soon as 80 percent of the stomach is filled. This is not only a healthy eating method, it can help you live a healthy and long life. Hara Hachi Bu is prevalent all over Japan and people eat food following this, perhaps that is why Japanese people are the longest living and healthy and fit people in the world.

Rules of Hara Hachi Boo

Hara Hachi Bu has some special rules. If you follow these rules then your increased weight will reduce and if you are already fit then your chances of becoming obese will reduce.

1. Fill only eighty percent of the stomach

When the stomach is 80 percent full, the plate of food should be moved. Leave the stomach so empty that your digestive fire can turn that food into energy instead of fat.

2. The food plate should be small

According to this rule, your food plate should be small. With this you will be able to take limited food. If you feel more hungry, you can take more food from another utensil, but then you will be able to feel that you are taking more food. This will give you a chance to control your hunger.

3. Focus on food

Nowadays people eat food while watching TV or mobile, this is the wrong way. Hara Hachi Bu says that when you sit down to eat, your focus should be on eating only. With this, you will be alert about your food intake and will not be able to eat more than your stomach.

4. The smaller the bite, the less weight

You should eat small bites of food. Every morsel should go inside the stomach only after chewing it several times. With these small bites, your food can be chewed properly and it can be digested properly.

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