If you wear shoes bigger than your size does the size of your feet gradually increase What is the fact behind this

If you wear shoes bigger than your size does the size of your feet gradually increase What is the fact behind this

It is important to wear footwear to keep the feet safe. At the same time, the Government of India has also almost completed the preparations for the Bha Code number especially for its country. Till now only UK and US number footwear were available in India. But now shoes will be available in Indian size also. Another thing that is said about shoes is that if you wear shoes bigger than your size, the size of your feet also increases. Know how much truth is behind this.

shoe size

According to experts, there is no connection between wearing big shoes and increasing the size of the feet. This is absolutely wrong. Let us tell you that with age the foot grows at its own pace and its size increases. This has nothing to do with shoe size. But wearing comfortable shoes keeps the feet safe, due to which the person does not face any problem in walking.

UK-US code

Let us tell you that till now UK and US number codes were used in India. Due to which many times the shoes did not fit the Indians. But now shoes will be available for Indians with Bha number code, for which the government has also taken the sample.

Survey conducted regarding size

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and Central Leather Research Institute has conducted a survey all over India. It was also revealed that the size of the feet of women increases till the age of 11 years, whereas in men it continues to grow till the age of 15-16 years. ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

Till now, American and European standards were used for footwear in India. But now Indian standards of footwear are being prepared. According to the information, from next year i.e. 2025, companies will separately produce footwear for Indians. For this the code ‘Bha’ has been kept.

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