If your hair suddenly stands up be careful you may die in a few seconds know facts

If your hair suddenly stands up be careful you may die in a few seconds know facts

It happens to all of us at some point that suddenly our body gets jolts or our hair stands on end, Although sometimes it seems normal, But it can also be a sign of a serious health problem., Let us know today what kind of health problems can arise due to sudden hair growth,

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Suddenly Hair standing being Of Reason

In medical terminology, the condition of sudden hair standing up is called ‘Piloerection’ it is said, This condition occurs when the body reacts in a rapid manner and shocks., like being cold or overly excited about something, Although this can be a normal condition in the body, but never,Sometimes it can also be a sign of some health problems,

Heart motion to stop (Cardiac Arrest), If suddenly the hair stands on end,the heartbeat slows down or stops completely, So this could be a serious sign that there is a problem with the functioning of the heart, Cardiac arrest can happen suddenly and can result in death,

Respiration System In Problems, Sudden problems with the respiratory system can also cause the hair to stand up, This may be the body’s rapid response to abnormal or difficult breathing., If the respiratory system stops working completely, then it can be life threatening,

High blood pressure (Hypertension), Hair may also stand on end in case of sudden high blood pressure, With high blood pressure, sudden increase in heart rate and headache may occur, which can make a person’s health condition serious,

Emergency Signal And treatment

If you experience sudden hair loss accompanied by other serious symptoms, So taking it lightly is not without danger, Here are some things that can help you in this situation:, Like if the hair stands on end,pain in the chest with, Difficulty in breathing, or experiencing sudden fainting, So seek medical help immediately. These may be signs that your health condition is serious and needs immediate treatment,

if someone’s heart has stopped or they are unable to breathe, So CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) It is advisable to do, It could help save lives, But it should be done by a trained person only, In case of any health problem or emergency, call an ambulance or emergency service immediately, If timely treatment is not received, it can be life threatening,

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