If your hands are shaking, be alert; you could be suffering from this disease

If your hands are shaking, be alert; you could be suffering from this disease

You must have also noticed that sometimes people’s hands start trembling and suddenly no reason is understood for it. This hand trembling, called tremor, can happen due to many reasons. Sometimes it can be normal, but sometimes it can also be a sign of a serious disease. Let us know what can be the reasons behind hand trembling and how to identify and treat it. If your hands are constantly trembling then…

Necessity Tremor
This is the most common type of tremor, which occurs with aging. In this, hands, head or voice start shaking. This is called essential tremor and it can happen at any age, but the risk increases with age. This condition is often genetic and can be seen in many family members. It can be controlled with timely treatment.

Parkinson’s disease
This is a neurological disease in which hands, legs or other parts of the body start trembling. This is called Parkinson’s disease. In this disease, control over body movement decreases and symptoms gradually increase. Its timely treatment and doctor’s advice is necessary so that the symptoms can be controlled and the quality of life can be improved.

Effects of drugs and alcohol
Hand tremors can also be caused by the side effects of some medicines or excessive drinking. Some medicines affect the nerves and muscles, which causes the hands to tremble. Excessive drinking can also cause tremors in the body. If you are facing such a problem, consult a doctor immediately and use the medicines correctly.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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