Imagination becomes reality, computer made from human brain, world’s energy problem can be solved!

Imagination becomes reality, computer made from human brain, world’s energy problem can be solved!

Many scientific discoveries seem beyond imagination. In one such discovery, scientists have claimed to have made the world’s first living computer from human brain tissue. Its most special feature is that it exchanges information just like a computer chip, but uses 1 million times less energy for that. Researchers claim that if computing starts being used in this way in the world, then our energy crisis will be solved. Companies and universities around the world have started investigating this technology.

It is made up of 16 organoids like brain cells grown in the lab that send information to each other. Like the brain, they send signals from their neurons and work like a circuit. The special thing is that they use one million times less energy than today’s digital processes.

Scientists believe that for the same tasks for which our brain consumes 10 to 20 watts of energy, the present day computers (21 megawatts) use 2.1 crore watts of energy. This unique invention has been done by the scientists of Final Spark, a Swedish company that develops solutions for biological neural networks.

In this technology, information is exchanged through circuits just like the neurons of the brain. (Symbolic picture: Pixabay)

According to Daily Mail, the company’s CEO Dr. Fred Jordan said that this idea seems like science fiction, but not much research has been done on it yet. Organoids are made of stem cells that can take care of themselves. These 0.5 mm thick mini brains are made from about ten thousand living neurons. The cells living in this living computer remain alive for 100 days, but new organoids can replace them.

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Researchers have also named it wetware because it works like a real human brain. While the world is currently searching for renewable energy sources and is clearly feeling the signs of energy crisis in the future, the demand for low-energy computers will be very high. Many companies and universities of the world are in touch with Final Spark.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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