In Pakistan, potatoes are priced at Rs 77 per kg, lady’s finger is priced at Rs 450…if you buy garlic, your pocket will be empty!

In Pakistan, potatoes are priced at Rs 77 per kg, lady’s finger is priced at Rs 450…if you buy garlic, your pocket will be empty!

Be it a vegetarian or non-vegetarian, everyone waits for the winter season. Firstly, there is a huge variety of vegetables available at this time, and their prices also become so low that you cook and eat them with pleasure. Indian people may have houses full of green vegetables in winter but this is not at all the case in neighboring country Pakistan.

As soon as the winter season arrives, vegetables become cheaper in the market but in Pakistan at present the exact opposite is happening. At the price at which one kilo of ladyfinger and pumpkin are being sold here, we Indians can buy a bagful of vegetables. This is no joke, people are actually having to dig deep into their pockets to buy vegetables like potatoes and tomatoes.

Green vegetables are on fire in Pakistan
Elections in Pakistan are not far away. In such a situation, along with politics, the prices of vegetables are also on fire. Even on social media, people are discussing that no one can eat vegetables in Pakistan. According to the rates of the grocery app, one kg ladyfinger is being sold for Rs 460. The rates of seasonal vegetables like cabbage and carrots also range between Rs 200 and Rs 250 per kg. Potato is being sold at Rs 77 per kg and onion at Rs 183 per kg in Pakistan.

Inflation increased during election season
This is a matter of green vegetables. Apart from this, it seems as if even looking at vegetables like ginger and garlic has become a crime. Talking about ginger, it costs Rs 128 per 250 grams i.e. Rs 512 per kg, whereas the price of garlic has reached Rs 750 per kg. It is not that only vegetables are so expensive, here milk is also being sold at the rate of Rs 270 per liter. In such an environment, Pakistani leaders will have to think once before making election claims and promises as to what and how much they will be able to give to the people.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, india pakistan, Viral news

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